This script will append the time remaining to every line in your file. It can also append the time remaining until the next op begins.

So, if you have two Ops (Roughing) and (Finishing), you can put (Finishing) into Toolpath 2 and it will tell you the time remaining until (Finishing) starts and the time remaining until the end of the program (after (Finishing) starts).

If you only have one op, or if you just want to know how long until the program is done, enter the last line of your file in the Last Line of File box.

Toolpath 1: This can be left blank.
Toolpath 2: This can be left blank.
Toolpath 3: This can be left blank.
Toolpath 4: This can be left blank.
Last Line of File: This is the only one that matters. It must be the last line of your file.